Thursday, November 11, 2010

Film Censorship

Film Censorship

Learning objective: To understand the purpose of film certification and to apply your understanding to your own thriller film.

Lesson Outcomes: Students will understand what a film certificate is and explain its purpose with detail and their own understanding.

Film Certification

Universal Children Suitable for all, but especially suitable for young children to watch on their own

An example of a Uc film is UP, this is a Uc film as it contains no violence and does not require parents to watch the film.

Parental Guidance General viewing, but some scenes may be unsuitable for young children
 An Example of a PG film is Enchanted this is a PG, because it does not contain any violence or disturbing scenes.

Suitable for those aged 12 and older (for example mild nudity or bad language) an example of a 12 rated film is Angels & Demons as it contain some mild violence and scenes involving blood, this is also considered as a 12a which means a parent might need to be present when watchign this film.

       Suitable for those aged 15 and older(slightly more violence/bad language may also contain blood) an example of a 15 rated film is 28 Days Later as it contain bloody scenes, scene that contain violence and bad language.

Suitable for those aged 18 and older (may contain strong nudity, blood and gore also bad language). An example of a 18 rated film is SAW because it contain exstream violence and gore also bad language. 

       These film certificates are given to films by a company called BBFC, which stands for British Board of Films, this company double checks films to see if they are in the right category suitable for the British public they also do this to protect certain age groups from violence. if you wish to know more about what they do you can visit there site all information can be found on here if you do not understand the information above


  1. Luke you have displayed minimal research and limted knowledge on film certification. To show a basic understanding you must state the purpose of film certificates and implications they have on the director.

  2. Luke you also need to link your research to your own production. What film certification suits the narrative of your film? Once you and your group have decided on this you need to support your decision with an explanation as to why you have chosen that particular film certification.
