Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Objective: to learn the film language used to describe lighting techniques and effects, analyse lighting techniques and their effects, using correct terminology

All: will be able to describe one style of lighting technique(E)
Most: will be able to identify 2-3 lighting styles and explain the purpose it has (C)
Some: will be able to identify the lighting style and will also be able to use media language effectively to describe the purpose it has (A)

lighting helps to convey mood and atmosphere in a scene, it can also be used to guide the audiences attention to a particular object, person or gesture. lighting can also be used to cast shadows and build tension and suspense in a scene.

Key Lighting: is usually the brightest light and most influential.

Back lighting: helps to counter act the effect of the key light, making the character/object look more rounded

Filler light: helps to soften the harsh shadows that the other lights create, there maybe more than one filler light

Angles of lighting


Under Lighting- Is when the main source of light comes from below the subject. this tends to have a distorting effect on the characters or object that is being lit and is often used in Horror Films.


Top Lighting- is when the main source of lighting comes from above, highlight the features of a character- it can be used to create a glamours look in stars.

Types of Lighting


Low key: lighting is created by the use of back lights. this will produce a sharp contrast of light and dark areas on the screen and cause deep shadows to form, this effect is known as Chiaroscuro

High Key: is basically the opposite to Low Key, High Key lighting means that more filter lights are used. the term means lighting that appears more natural and realistic to our eyes. it can be used to describe lighting on brightly lit sets such as a recreated sunny day in the park, or to describe a more subtly-lit night time scene. although shadows will be produced to contrast is allot softer.

 HomeWork, Matrix Scene

In this scene we see low key lighting, back lighting and 3 point lighting
Low key lighting is used in this scene to create tension it makes everything seems dim and mysterious this makes the audience wonder what’s going on and makes them get more involved into the scene, back lighting is used when we have the 2 shot and we see Neo and Morpheus sitting down talking but they are silhouettes and the audience cannot see there features this creates suspense and shows us they are interacting lastly we see 3 point lighting used when Neo is presented with the choice of pills we see Morpheus’s  hands lit up this is what catches the audiences eyes and draw them to the pills also it helps get the audience involved in the scene and creates suspense. One other thing is the way we are presented with Neo and Morpheus, we can see Neo’s face clearly and his reactions/ facial expressions but Morpheus is slightly shaded showing he is a mysterious character in the situation this makes the audience feel as if Neo is the innocent person in the scene were as Morpheus is the negative darker side of the scene. Overall this scene has a dark and mysterious mood to it. These techniques are common to fantasy /sci-fi films because they help create suspense and tension also this also helps draw the audience into the narrative


  1. Luke you have good descriptions of the lighting techniques, You have also provide good visual aids to support your decriptions well done. Now you need to use them in your analysis of film extracts to show your understanding of the techniques, how they can convey meaning to an audience and the director's intentions.

  2. Your analysis of The Matrix is good you show your understanding of the different lighting terminologies and how lighting is used to create effect. Now suggest how you will use lighting in your own production.
