Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Termanology words

  • Sound Code- Phycho intro music is high pitched and carming, when curtain is pulled back we hear a sharp sound which tells us danger is gunna happen then the woman is attacked, after she is attacked we hear low music which tells us something bad has happened.
  • Diegetic Sound- KidultHood, sound from the film world, door slams, dialog, footsteps all examples of diegetic sound.
  • Non Diegetic Sound- Xmen, Music added on after filming, for example music to add effect or voice over narratives.
  • Rythem- Charles Angels, Slow rythem, calms audience then will build up to emphasis the action happening in the scene, also adds tension.
  • Silence- in any film silence is always used to create suspense and make the audience on edge and wanting to know more about the following scene.
  • Voice Over Narration- Fight Club, when the main character is telling the audience about his past and how he got to this stage in the film, brings the audience up to date with the Narrative.
  • Contraptional Sound- where the music the audience hears doesnt match the scene for example in Jaws we see a nice peaceful beach but we hear tension building music and the famous Jaws theme song, this does not match the pleasent scene and confuses the audience.

1 comment:

  1. Luke you have provided good examples for all of the sound terminologies however to improve this post and to demonstrate your understanding further you must provide definitions for each of the terms. You should also refer to this terminology when analysisng films clips stating the directors intentions.
