Thursday, October 21, 2010

Micro Element Seen In Opening Scene Of Seven

Establishing shot (Kitchen)
In a house or apartment
When film begins first thing we see is a character in a kitchen(Morgan Freeman)
Police sirens (opening scene)
As character first emerges on screen
Add the suspicion of the film being a type of crime genre
Water tap ( Dripping water)
not originally in scene
The sound of the dropping water has been made louder
Mise en scene
Police badge, knife
Been placed on the bed side table in a certain way
Character has a routine so he places everything in a certain place which he picks up one by one 
Target audience
Appeals to All ages
But target audience IS 18+
18 age certificate also it is a thriller which appeals to 15 and above.
Thrillers aren’t suitable for anyone below the age of 15 and the film you need to focus to understand what is happening.
Surprise (to see)
When he picks up the police badge confirms it is a crime/thriller type film
Also he has a throwing knife next to his guns which is also surprising
When you see a crime story of policemen you do not expect to see them carrying throwing knife
Guy cutting off hit finger tips
In the title sequence you see him cutting off his finger prints
He is obviously a villain or murderer and has removed his finger tips so they cant be traced or found at crime scene

Task 2
I think Se7eN is a thriller because it is a movie that concentrates on more than scaring the target audience SE7EN makes you listen and focus on the storyline so you have to think also get involved in the action and imagine what is going to happen next this is also a suspense creating tactic to make the audience on the edge and completely focused on the film, also they have added scary motion building music thought-out the scenes.
Task 3
By watching SE7EN many times I have found they use low key lighting and dark, scary music when they are about to reveal something, or something is going to happen I can use this method in my thriller. Also in this film they keep the murderer unidentified till the very end but he is shown to the audience as a dark figure never showing his face always covered and slightly blurred. I can also use this in my thriller to ad tension

1 comment:

  1. Luke you state that the film Seven creates suspense, however you don't say how and why. You need to expand on this post by explaining the generic conventions the director has chosen to you and why. Use your table to help you with this.
