Thursday, October 21, 2010

Micro Elements Seen In Opening of Panic Room

Establishing shot (City)
Name of film is in big bold lettering in-between buildings
Film is set in a city first thing we see is city
Non Diegetic music
As credits are shown it has slow beating music playing
This is probably to add suspense and keep audience focused on the screen
Added film credits in the middle of a city
not originally in scene
This is to draw the eyes of the viewers but also these are not originally in the scene and are added
Mise en scene
Buildings, estate agent, family (mum and Daughter)
Been placed on the street in a crowed, girl on a scooter
Characters are going somewhere, camera focuses on them. Then zooms in 
Target audience
Its a thriller film also age certificate on case is 15
Thrillers aren’t suitable for anyone below the age of 15 and the film you need to focus to understand what is happening.

Task 2- Panic Room is a thriller because starts off with strange suspense building music also the title Panic Room shows the audience or gives them a clue to what may happen one other thing that makes this film a thriller is it is set in a old empty house typical thriller/horror film is based characters are alone and they are being watch by some mysterious characters.
Task 3- in the film Panic Room they also use suspense building music, and low key lighting this is a good way to show the film is a thriller. I will use this technique in my thriller film because its a quick way to get the audience involve and focused on the film, also it creates suspense which is needed in a thriller film.

1 comment:

  1. Luke you show understanding of the Micro elements and have made referance to how you intend to use these within your own production well done. Read over your work to check for sentence sturcture as good sentence sturcture is vital.
