Thursday, October 21, 2010

Prom Night Analysis

Discuss the ways in which the generic conventions are used to inform the audience that they are watching a thriller film?
In this essay I will discuss the way this scene uses the generic convention to inform the audience it is a thriller film.
At the begging of the scene we see a glamorously lit up prom we know it’s a prom because all the people in the scene are dressed smartly in suites and nice dresses, also the title of the film tells us this is a school event, shortly after we are introduced to the location a police officer walks in telling everyone to evacuate the building because of an emergency this tells the audience that something has happened the officer is presented to the audience looking like a serious character dress in dark colours and giving everyone orders this tell the audience that the officer is in charge of the situation and is a very serious and powerful character this is common in a thriller film as it shows the audience this situation is very dangerous and very real.
The way in which lighting is used in the clip tells the audience it’s a thriller film when the girl goes up to her room to get something the scene goes from glamorously lit up (known as top lighting) to low key lighting this gives the scene a dark and eerie atmosphere to it which tells the audience something is going to happen, also we have lots of flashing lights down on the main floor where everyone is gathered this helps create a panicky atmosphere and creates anxiety in the audience because it tells the audience that there is an unorganised atmosphere and a side of confusion and chaos. The low key lighting used after the victim enters her room makes the audience feel isolated and that the girl is alone this is because of the silence we hear in as she exits the lift and enters her room but also the dark low key lighting used, which shows the room as a scary and empty place as we cannot see anything, this technique also is conventional to thriller films as most action happens in isolated areas, where she cannot be seen.
The sound used in this scene helps create tension and suspense it does this when the girl exits the lift it goes from shouting and screaming busy atmosphere to completely silent and scary atmosphere, with non-diegetic music slowly getting louder in the background this technique helps create suspense and capture the audience’s attention. As the character enters her room we hear another door creaking then shut this tells the audience someone is there with her and makes the audience feel tension and suspense, the silence is used in this part of the scene to create suspense when she exits the lift this sets the tone and atmosphere of the scene as now we see she is alone and in darkness, then again we have silence used as she calls out “hello” in her room this also is used to create suspense as she is expecting a replay and does not get one this tells the audience the character is feeling uncomfortable and thinks someone is in the room with her. This is common also to thriller conventions as it sets the audience up and tells them something is going to happen.
Another generic convention used in this scene is Mise En Scene, the audience is shown in dresses and suites to show the audience they are in some kind of prom also the location is a fancy hotel which sets the audience up for the scene to come, we also see some other examples of Mise En Scene for example as the attacker comes into the scene we see him in dark clothing with his face covered and hidden this is common to most thriller films as it makes the character look scary and dangerous, knives and guns are also presented in this scene when the attacker is looking for the girl he realises she is stuck and he pulls out his knife this presents the audience with an aspect of fear and danger, as knifes are used to send a aspect of danger to the audience this is also the same for guns in thriller films as they are used in dangerous situations to add the feeling of fear and suspense to the scene.
Cinematography in this scene helps the audience understand the situation from the very start, As the group of people are told to evacuate the building in a case of emergence we are shown at high angle shot from the top of the building as all the people are running to safety this tell the audience everyone is panicking and presents the aspect of chaos to the audience. One other example is when the main character is looking through the door into the hallway we are presented with a point of view and can see what she is seeing this technique allows the audience to feel a sense of fear as we then see the attackers face appear looking right back at the girl. This is used to create suspense and shock when the victim is hiding under the bed holding her mouth a close up is used to capture all the emotion going on in the scene this shows to the audience she is crying and we can see tears and make up running down her cheek but yet she is trying to hold it in as she does not want to be found by the attacker this is important in thriller films to use close ups in scenes like this as it captures and shows the character facial expression and emotion she is experiencing and allows the audience to relate to them  
Another generic convention used in this scene is editing at the start of the scene slow editing is used to help the audience understand the narrative and get to understand whats happening this is used mainly at the introduction of films as it allows the audience to take in information, fast editing is also used in Prom Night when the main character meets her attacker inside her hotel room and he tries to catch her, Editing like this is used to make the audience feel suspense and tension also to show the action going on  in the scene, another editing technique used is Non diegetic music as she exits the lift, it starts of quite in the background this creates suspense and makes the audience on edge, then as the attacker enters her room and starts chasing the main character the music becomes loud and up tempo this creates an element of fear and suspense as we do not know what will happen all these techniques are used in horror film to attract the audience into the action and help emphasis the feeling of fear in the scene

1 comment:

  1. Well done Luke you have proficiently shown that you understand the generic conventions of a thriller film, you have given examples of how different conventions are used and there purpose. To expand on this further you should mention the conventions you think worked well and thoes you might choose to emulate within your own thriller and why.
